「 三藩市的復甦將由負責任的領導和嶄新思維驅動,而不是市政廳的內部人士。」

於2005年,羅偉創立了「Tipping Point Community 轉折點社區」。在沒有接受任何政府資助的情況下,「轉折點」籌集了超過5億美元,並在早期幼兒教育、就業、住房和教育方面取得了可衡量的成果。羅偉彰顯負責任的領導風格,促成了多個創新項目,其中包括按時、按預算建造的經濟適用房開發項目,並與有良好薪酬的工會勞工合作完成。
羅偉深受父母的啟發,展開為社區服務的生涯,目前他和妻子貝卡 (Becca) 同時專注於在三藩市 – 一個令我們所有人都感到自豪的城市- 撫育自己的孩子。

Databricks signed a downtown lease and committed to hosting Data + AI Summit in SF through 2030, investing over $1B in the city. After considering Vegas, they’ve chosen to keep the conference here. We will keep working with business to drive our comeback!

Exclusive: S.F. AI company to invest $1 billion in the city over the next three years
Databricks’ investment includes keeping its popular conference in San Francisco.
Paul Revere K-8 6th graders made deposits into their Kindergarten to College (K2C) accounts and learned about the program with Treasurer Cisneros, Mayor @DanielLurie, and @SFUSD_Supe! K2C automatically opens a savings account w/ $50 for every child entering kindergarten in SFUSD.
Workers waiting for Muni or kids coming home from school should not have to deal with chaos. Thank you to @SFPD, @SheriffSF, and @sfpublicworks for last night's surge. We will be relentless in shutting down drug markets.

S.F. police swarm 16th and Mission, vow to shut down drug market and end ‘disorder and chaos’
Mayor Daniel Lurie said the city had “surged resources” to send a message that San...
Yesterday, we celebrated 50 years of women on patrol at @SFPD. In 1975, 28 women graduated from the 126th recruit class. These 28 women became the first to serve alongside their male counterparts.
Women had been members of the SFPD before 1975, but they were classified as…
We're sending a message: we won't tolerate these conditions anywhere in San Francisco.
It's official—@Strava has opened its global HQ on Fremont Street. It was a pleasure to drop by the grand opening today and to see another innovative tech company in downtown San Francisco.
Yesterday we launched an initiative to prevent family homelessness before it happens. This public-private effort will be powered by a $11 million investment from Tipping Point Community. Learn more about the initiative from @TippingPoint CEO, Sam Cobbs.
This afternoon I went down to 16th and Mission. Know this: I see what you see.
All San Franciscans deserve safe and clean streets—whether that’s on 6th Street, in Western Addition or the Mission. My administration is actively working on how we deploy our street teams. And if…
As a city, we are always actively preparing to keep San Franciscans and visitors safe. Today, I attended an Active Attacker Exercise at Oracle Park, which gave San Francisco and other Bay Area first responders crucial hands-on training. A huge thank you to our public safety…