- 保持街道的安全和清洁,吸引办公室工作人员愿意返回市中心工作。
- 宣布毒品芬太尼进入紧急状态,让人们停止流浪并接受治疗。
- 彻底改革腐败的许可证流程。
- 为企业创造透明度和明确的时间表。
- 改革有条件使用许可证,以便在市中心举办更多会议、音乐会和活动。
- Create a Downtown Climate Innovation Hub and incentivize cleantech industries to locate in vacant office space downtown.
- Make downtown into a 24/7 neighborhood by boosting office-to-residential conversions through property tax relief.
- A – 解决公共安全问题
- 为警察和警长办公室配备充足的人员
- 利用科技手段让毒贩远离当前贩毒热点
- 增加更多的治疗床位
- C – 处理市政府事务具备确定性
- 简化许可和检查流程
- 订立许可申请审查时间的上限
- 取消商业执照费用,降低新旧小型企业的许可费用
- 探索重新分区某些区域,以批出更多现场音乐许可
- T – 转型市中心
- Create a Downtown Climate Innovation Hub and incentivize cleantech industries to locate in vacant office space downtown
- 成立“市长竞争力委员会”
- 任命一个职位负责监督市中心的复苏工作。
- 消除官僚主义的繁文缛节和阻碍
- 重新构想空间并促进与企业家之间的合作
- 整合市政厅的可用工具和资源
My Downtown Climate Innovation Hub key to accelerating our recovery and example of the creative and bold action needed. You can read more about it here.
As mayor, I will foster job growth and investment through this Climate Innovation Hub, attracting talent and investment globally, boosting our economy and tax base. Building on a foundation of public safety and all the talent San Francisco has to offer, we can make downtown better than ever.
We will also make downtown an attractive place to live, and incentivize office to housing conversions. By creating a multi-year property tax relief program for conversions, especially for less desirable office spaces, we can cut the time it takes for Downtown to recover by half and increase long-term tax revenues. And this bustling 24/7 downtown will attract and grow more businesses.